A study of skin disorders in pregnancy in Indian women


eMediNexus    21 April 2018

An observational cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 pregnant Indian women. Detailed medical and obstetric history of patients were obtained, and physical and dermatological examination were performed. Relevant systemic examination and appropriate investigations helped confirm the diagnosis, if needed. Cutaneous changes were noticed in most of the patients with physiological changes being the most common 196 (98%). The most common physiological change was hyperpigmentation, seen in 94.49% cases, followed by striae distensae (76.5%), glandular changes (11.5%) and vascular changes (9%). Tinea cruris was noted in 2% cases while scabies was present in 5% of the women. About 7.5% of the women had contact dermatitis, and 1.5% had psoriasis. Herpes genitalis was seen in 1 case (0.5%). The most common specific dermatoses included pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (5%) followed by pruritic folliculitis (2%), eczema (2%) and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (1%). The report was published in the International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

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